Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Two New Family Members!

My darling Jerry has disappeared, I can't find him anywhere and none of the neighbors have seen him. He's not at the local shelter either. There were some cats close to his age and size but not had the same kitten face he still had at 41/2.

Well, since he wasn't there I decided to look at the cats that were running out of time and see if any of them picked me. Well, two of them did. They're friends. Right now they're enjoying hiding in their new home. It took them a few minutes to come out of the carrier. Actually they were so unsure I had to reach in and get them out.

I have nearly a full bag of cat food left and one litter box. So I went to get another litter box, a bag of litter and a grooming brush. They've been outside in the heat at the shelter, granted there was a make shift curtain to pull over the cages to keep the temperature down but it's been in the nineties so they were shedding pretty badly. They seem grateful for the air conditioning and the fact that they can pick where they want to be and stay there without being bothered.

Jerry was a bit more playful tripping you every chance he got and rather spoiled since he'd wake you up to feed him but I 'd had him since he was six weeks old. There two just need a little time to realize that they aren't going back to the shelter. Tomorrow I get to call and make an appointment to get them fixed and vaccinated. Which is covered since they were sponsored. The cost of adoption for a kitten is $15 but everyone adopts them there is a woman that sponsors the grown cats so there isn't a charge to take them home.

Hubby won't let me go get anymore. We have three bedrooms and the house is on almost 7 acres, if I could afford a fence I could go get a couple of the dogs down there. Dogs are great for keeping people from coming into the yard at night. Now I miss my lab and my lab Rottweiler mix.

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