Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Interesting New Schedule

Theresa seems to be adjusting to her new schedule nicely. The preschool will start back on August 19th which means that she'll be away from home half of two weekdays. That doesn't require a lot of rescheduling to make sure she's still in therapy five days a week for speech. The school will give additional speech and occupational therapy. The ABA will stay on Fridays so that she gets it as long as she needs it. There isn't any school on Fridays for the preschoolers so that works out good.

Theresa can do "fill ins'. You say "twinkle twinkle little" and she says "star." Stuff like that. She's starting to answer questions when you can get her to focus on something besides doing her own thing.

I've got to get her supplements in her and get her dressed to be at speech by 11am this morning. She's out of HLC and I haven't been by the bank yet to get out enough to cover it. I've also got to find out what the alternative is and how much it's going to cost. She went through 3 bottles of HLC already this month, I think I can order it online but the shipping eats the amount that you save on it.

OK time to get back to work and get her ready. Probably need to chase a cat off a counter by now too.

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