Theresa had preschool this morning and speech this afternoon. She also got her B-12 shot while we were at the clinic. Kelly volunteered to give it to her today since I'm having trouble getting it lately, Friday I'll take her by the pediatricians office to get it done. She's making great progress so we're not quite ready to stop it yet. I may switch her to the nasal spray when the prescription is empty though. It's $32 and it doesn't work as well as the shot but it does have benefits. The biggest benefit is that she can't cause herself an injury with the nasal spray. I'm not sure if her insurance will cover it or not but it's worth it.
We added two new supplements today to help her progress to the next level. That makes a total of two prescriptions and eleven over the counter supplements for a total thirteen. I spent two hours figuring the costs of all of them, the total and the average that they cost each month. The only thing I figured out is that the supplements are over $200 now. I also spent an hour trying to figure out my new schedule. What I figured out is that I have to do even more work while I watch the therapy sessions.
Friday she'll have ABA in the afternoon with Danielle because Sara isn't going to be there at all. So instead of cancelling they moved it to keep her from missing it. I asked them to see if they could rearrange her speech that day so that the appointments would still be together. If they can't we get to go to speech from 9:30 to 10 and then go to ABA from 1:30 to 3:30 that afternoon. It's going to be interesting to see if Theresa actually cooperates for that schedule change. She was really mad last week when she missed her therapy.
We have occupational therapy tomorrow and I still can't find her scissors. I have no idea where they went but the $15 or so I paid for them is screaming at me to find them as soon as possible.
I'm working on an article about her progress but so far it's going slowly because I'm having trouble finding the information about the supplements she's on to put in it. Theresa got her little hands on the notes that I made while I was talking to Kelly and the pediatrician about the reasons for each. She even took the paper with the risks and benefits.
The 19th of this month we go back to see Dr. Cotter for a re-evaluation of her diagnosis. It's really hard to believe that it's been a year. The 3rd of November I'm taking her to meet her preschool class at the peanut festival for special citizens day. She's never been so this should be rather interesting.
A year ago I wouldn't have even tried to take her to the peanut festival. Of course a year ago she didn't do anything but spin, line things up and echo commercials. It's amazing how much difference a year can make, she even notices that there are people around her now. Well, it's almost time to call it a night.
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