Well after the shock of the actual light bill reading and realizing that I'm the only one that appears to stay cold I spent the weekend under blankets while I worked. The little one agreed to put long pants on and her father seemed to enjoy the fact that I was not burning everyone out of the house. I must admit I was more productive working with the window coverings open to let in natural light first thing in the morning and my eyes hurt less than they have in a long time.
Theresa's potty training was put on hold since she spent most of yesterday in disposables but she's seems to have picked up where we left off this morning. She's staying dry longer and longer which is a very good sign. Two out of three private therapists are assisting in the efforts and the other one well, Theresa will tell her she has to go then refuse to go. That therapist would be building the cooperation factor through other exercises and taking Theresa on a schedule they had previously worked out.
I actually enjoyed the chill in the air at night. I turned the thermostat down to 60-65 to keep the chill out of the air and the heat didn't run all night like it did when I set it higher. We've decided to invest in a space heater for the coldest rooms in the house. I'm looking at something with a settable thermostat for the smallest rooms in the house like the bathroom so that we don't get too hot. The baby has to have the chill out of the air when she takes a bath. I have to finish ripping up the carpet in there. Problem is I'm hoping for something with a cooling setting too so that they don't have to be stored and exchanged during the summer months. Is that too much too ask? I have to finish ripping up the bathroom carpet but that's fine too.
Theresa is enjoying Mickey Mouse right now. She has pre-school in the morning and I have four hours to work, clean house and run to the grocery store. I also get to stop and put air in my tires myself since I dear other half under inflated them last time. Neither measurement matched but both were below the guides for the tire. I think I'll get him a digital or rather me a digital so that I know what's what.
My biggest surprise this weekend was getting to read some out of each of the two books I'm reading for relaxation. I still have to find time to read the third but I"m keeping up with the posted study of it so I'm doing good in my world here.
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